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Does harassing Buddhist monks display the weaning of Saddha of the Buddhist people?

Does harassing Buddhist monks display the weaning of Saddha of the Buddhist people?

Dr. Most Venerable
Mirisse Dhammika Nayaka Thera

Buddhism or the Buddhist Philosophy is a vision that should be comprehensively and extensively understood by oneself. What was done by The Buddha, the greatest and the most noblest being ever born into the world, was to show the way to eliminate all the suffering in order to gain the final relief: the Nirvana. That is nothing for the present birth neither for the birth to come. The final destination of this path is attaining nirvana by extinguishing all sorts of greed.

To achieve nirvana, it is necessary to perfectly perceive the path. In other words, it is important to understand the Saddhama shown by the fundamental clearly to know and understand the absolute virtuousness of the noble Maha Sanga, who follow Saddharmaya to gain deliverance in both worlds. Not only during the time the Buddha was alive but also centuries after that, the people of Sri Lanka and other Buddhist countries had learnt and perceived as much as possible about the virtues and the greatness of the Buddha, Dhamma and Sanga, inculcating much devotion and reverence towards the triple jem. The world Buddhist history and the Sri Lankan Buddhist history provide ample evidence to support the fact. Yet, look into the present condition with an analytical mind inspired by wisdom.

Buddhism does not approve assaulting a harassing either a priest or any other person. Buddhism stress that not only humans but also all beings including animals should be bestowed with loving kindness and compassion. Moreover, Buddhism teaches that, sincerity one has for oneself should be broaden to envelop the others too. Buddhism also instructs that thoughts of loving kindness and compassion generated in the mind should be visible through words and actions. These excellent human qualities can be seen in a person who follow Buddha, Dhamma and Sanga with prover reverence.

If someone does some thing wrong, it should be dealt legally, religiously, socially and eventually looked into it with a humane point of view first, to take the person towards the correct path, advice ought to be given compassionately and with sincerity. It is important that person who advises also needed to be flawless as much as possible. It is necessary to seek legal action, if the wrongdoer does not try to rectify his offence or if the offence he had committed, had affected the lives of other people in a detrimental manner. We believe that law is enforced in a justifiable and an impartial way by the people who are responsible of enforcing it. It is not ethically correct for a single person or a group of people to act in a substandard way by taking the law into their hands which they use it to assault, to punish to harm other people’s lives, to loot other people’s assets and also use it to insult others or to mock them. This is taught in depth even at the initial states of Buddhism starting from five precepts and upto the stage of sacrificing oneself for the benefit of another with a good intention. These finest humane qualities are visible as characteristics of a Bodhisathwa and that of an Arahat. Hence, the person, who is responsible of attacking the two small novice priests, has done a severe offence unsuitable not only according the Buddhism but only to humanity. It is an unwholesome act that the shop owner has committed. It is not wrong to mention that it is detrimental to assault and insult the monks who lead a virtuous life than the laymen in the society as specially they are separated from the parental love, care and attention: moreover, eventhough they live in a congregation, still they feel lonely and mentally isolated. Buddhists, who are faithful to the threefold refuge, however much they are knowledgeable about worldly things and have become senior citizens having luxurious lifestyles with an enormous amount of wealth, worship a novice priest with respect. If that is so, for what reason does the person who assaulted and insulted the two small novice priests and some people who assault and insult others, behave in such low manner? Amongst various reasons, declined Sharddha and absence of faith and respect towards the triple jem can be highlighted as the main reason. When the present lay society is scrutinized, it can be seen that such low grade people are not only commit the five-unwholesome acts but also they are immersed in commercialization. In addition to that, they are a group of people who live without faith on the present birth and the birth to come. However, many number of Buddhists are still engrossed in Sharddha, having a deep faith and respect in the triple jem. Moreover, there are people who observe other religions accomplished with very high standard of humane qualities, obligations and responsibilities bestowed upon the Buddhist monks should be clearly understood by them.

It should be taken into consideration that a monk should establish continuous mindfulness aiming to achieve ‘Lokoththara state’ which is the main determination or the goal of the priesthood “Appasannanawa Pasadaya……..” This verse means that the conduct and behavior of a Buddhist monk should be to make unfaithful people. In addition to that, to make faithful people more inclined on faith.

Still in our country, the Upasaka and Upasika provide the basic necessities for the monks such as Siupasaya (the four requisites of a Buddhist monk) namely robes, almsfood, dwelling and the necessary medicine. According to abilities of people, the provisions of these can be more or less furthermore, it is suitable to get the necessities fulfilled by the faithful well-wishers such as for education, or for a sickness or in travelling. It is appropriate for a Buddhist monk to refrain from visiting shops, boutiques, markets and places noted as ‘improper’. This refusal enhances the high quality of religious faith and dignity both in Bhikkus and laymen.

At this point, practical issues may pop up. Yet, when we contemplate on the dominant concept of the Buddha philosophy: Cessation of all the cravings and terminating ownership, the practical problems can be forgotten. As keeping the mind and the body inclined backwards while protruding over a summit of a mountain, when associating with the lay society, if is important to be without craving and hatred but to involve in activities while protecting Shardha. If not, like the incident of the small novice monks, disaster might struck upon both on the Bhikkus and laymen.

Themoon quite smoothly and softly shimmer over everyone in the same manner and provide light and comfort in the same degree. Yet, no one can touch the moon from the ground. The ‘ChandupamaSuthra’, very appropriately mentions what sort of relationship and an association should be maintained between a Bhikku and lay society.