(The writer is
former Vice Chancellor of Sri Jayewardenepua
University) My radio is playing a golden oldie. It
is sung by Andrews Sisters.
“Money is the root of all evil
Money is the root of all evil
Won’t contaminate myself with it
Take it away, take it away, take it away...”
Can I afford to do that? Does my Buddhism encourages me
to do that? Is money really evil? Well, I do not think
so. Money is evil only to the foolish. Money can destroy
The Buddhists of olden days did not seem to have
believed in total rejection of money. The Buddha is
reported to have associated frequently by very rich
people. One was so rich that he could cover the park of
an aristocratic prince with gold coins. Only those who
renounced the lay life to become monks have given up all
their money and wealth in the hope of attaining Nibbana.
The laymen were known for generosity, and the same time,
managed their wealth skilfully and were finance savvy.
The Buddha has given positive guidelines to them on how
to earn money and how to get the best use of it.
In order to appreciate the Buddhist attitude to money
and wealth I decided to interview a millionaire. Though
he was not as fortunate as Bill Gates with a lot of
media blitz, Prof Ananda Guruge tells me that Americans
today are very much interested in his biography. I met
him in Benaris, India, the cradle of Buddhism and was
fortunate to have an upfront chat with this
extraordinary person.
“Good morning.”
Having greeted him formally, I told him my purpose of
visiting him. “I wish to get some insight from you on
the way you became a millionaire. I want to share your
economic and managerial wisdom with my readers,
especially Sri Lankan Buddhists.”
“Of course, I may enjoy sharing my secrets with you. As
a matter of fact they are no secrets to Buddhists. The
Buddha has taught all of them very clearly in a few
suttas, which your monks keep on repeating almost every
day. But I know that the Sri Lankans do not give a heed
to them. They read my biography with delight, I know.
But it is only to have a good laugh. Anyway, as you have
met me here today, I will definitely share the way I
became rich in no time.”
“I am glad you consent to be interviewed by me. Tell me,
how much was your initial investment?”
“Well, to be honest, I had nothing to invest, so to
speak. My path was not rosy at all. You may not believe,
but to tell you the simple truth, I started with zero
investment. However, I was fortunate to have encouraging
and positive advice from a very wise and rich person.
That time I did casual work and rich people only gave me
something to eat. I had not even a single cent in hand,
to be honest. People called me a pauper then. I could
not even dream of a rosy destiny.”
“Absolutely interesting! I have heard of some who were
given initial finance by philanthropists or generous
relations, and building on that, later became
millionaires. But you were only given know-how. And you
built on that!”
“Exactly. With a casual piece of advice given to me, I
thought of entering the world of business. Just a
fantasy for any pauper, you may say, but not for me. I
was determined and became proactive,” he said with
nostalgic joy.
Unravelling his adventures in the difficult voyage to
riches, he continued, “I had to find something that I
can sell to get initial investment. My first principle I
will share now with you. You have to be innovative. Find
something to sell and get a few coins. I did exactly
that. I sold something that no one would think selling.
I got a few coins out of that. At that moment of delight
my imagination and hope sizzled up. Instead of spending
my lovely coins for consumption I thought of a way to
invest it. I thought inventing a commodity, to be more
“Tell me, how did you do that? What was your invention?”
“Please allow me to keep myself abstract for some more
time. I know that you are from Sri Lanka. Most people in
your country are foolishly arrogant when they come to
start a business. They want to ride clouds even when
they cannot afford a bicycle. So, let me avoid a
showdown at this juncture.”
His comment was a bit offensive, I thought. Yet he
really seems to know the mentality of some Sri Lankans.
No matter how many stories of millionaires who had very
humble beginnings are told, some never get inspiration.
I remember a story told by the famous Dutch artist Jean
Picasse. During his stay in Sri Lanka, he had a poor
young person always pestering him for a few rupees.
Thinking that giving a fishing rod is better than giving
a fish for a poor fellow (it is a wise saying of Jesus
Christ), he gave the young man a recipe of a delicious
Dutch soup and promised to buy him plastic cups for
packing and a bicycle to transport them. He even told
him that he would provide initial capital.
The young man had responded, “Who do you think I am to
sell soup? I would rather starve to death than become
ridiculed by selling damn soup.” And he never came back
for his usual begging. The most interesting part of the
story is not this. When the same artist moved to live in
another South Asian country, he happened to get there
too, a young person coming to him for a few rupees time
to time. Picasse dared to extend to him also his kind
offer. The young fellow was excited and accepted the
offer, which was immediately granted. In two years time,
to the amazement of the artist, the young man had become
an owner of a thriving business with many people working
under him. The soup is now delivered not on two wheels
but four wheels. He has made a respectable brand name of
the soup as well.
So, I decided to listen to the millionaire not insisting
that he should reveal what his invention was.
“I am sorry, please continue.”
“As a matter of fact, I created a new commodity out of
something that was never sold before. I combined it with
another thing and made it saleable. So it was my product
idea. I created a demand for my new product. I went to
the promising market I thought where I could create a
demand. So both the commodity and the market was my
“Very interesting” I nodded, highly inspired.
“And the most interesting thing is that I even resorted
to bartering. I found it was easier and more profitable
to barter in that particular market. I resold the goods
I got from them at a different time at a better price. I
made friendship with many people too.”
“So you won some good friends. As a matter of fact, some
customers like a bit of personal touch. That is the
secret that even in the presence of prestigious
supermarkets some customers patronise their usual corner
shop as well. Some personal goodwill is essential in
doing business, isn’t it?”
“Well, there is more to that. The Buddha has taught that
Kalyana Mittata is an essential resource for success in
business. I strongly believed in that. So, I had made
friendship with some street boys too and when I was in
need of some manpower they helped me in a big manner.”
“Very wise indeed. Some people when they acquire a bit
of wealth become ‘big heads’ and forget their good
friends. So, tell me, how many years it took for you to
make your first million.”
“Not very long, about three months.”
“That is incredible. May be your commodity was a miracle
“Not really. It was a very humble thing. But I was very
positive and imaginative. I did not stagnate in one
position. I took the risks and moved on to import trade
and even became a wholesale dealer in no time.”
“So fast! You became a wholesaler of imported goods in
three months and earned a million? It is like having
Aladdin’s lamp! That is miraculous, I must say.”
“Well, yes, it is a miracle of strategy. To enter into
wholesale business you need an impressive office with
staff, clothes that show status, classy vehicle and
such. I had none.
So, I hired all of them. Spruced up in hired clothes and
riding a hired vehicle I approached the cargo people and
reserved all what they had on ships by paying advances.
When retailers came to the ports they all had to come to
my hired office and buy through me. So from their money
I released the stocks and made a good profit. This was
the way I entered import market and believe me, in the
first three months I had earned my first million.”
American business
“Born in India, you seem to have had a super American
business brain. Very smart I must say. How did your
adviser feel about it?” “Well, I visited him with an
expensive gift. He was absolutely impressed. I was given
red carpet treatment. To cap it all he gave me his
daughter in marriage. He even recommended me for a
‘state recognised millionaire’ title.” “You told him all
about your journey from poverty to riches and the ways
and means you earned your first million?” “Yes sparing
no secret I revealed him the entire scenario, how I got
encouraged by his remark that he made looking at the
dead rat seen at the roadside. I told him that I
purchased some jaggery with the few coins I got from the
owner of the cat I fed and combined jaggery and water to
create my first commodity. He listened with curiosity
that, I asked grass cutters and flower pickers to give
me some grass and flowers, instead of money for the
water and jaggery I gave them, and made profit by
reselling. And he had a good laugh on how my friendly
lads helped me in collecting fallen trees and branches
in the royal park, to be dried and sold for firewood
again to the royal kitchen. What really impressed him
most was that instead of stagnating at small business I
moved to wholesale and imported goods.” Thanking this
enterprising young millionaire who was feeling jaded
about his life I closed my book of Jataka stories in
which I found his biography as Culla Setthi Jataka. I
wrote this report of his upbeat views not only for your
reading pleasure but hoping some of our readers may get
lifted up for a better approach to money. |